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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#378

id 378
name Shattered Ayleid Cloak Clasp
quality 3
difficulty 2
requiresLead 1
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 2720
zoneId 1261
setId 0
setQuality -1
setRewardId -1
setCount -1
categoryId 47
categoryOrder 12
categoryName Blackwood
categoryCount 56
loreName1 Verita Numida
loreDescription1 It's hard to tell without having the fully formed piece, but this looks Ayleid in origin to me. Barsaebic Ayleids, to be specific. Those worn symbols might have been to honor the Aedra.
loreName2 Reginus Buca
loreDescription2 Gideon was originally founded by the Ayleids, wasn't it? The name of that settlement is sadly lost to time, but perhaps this belonged to one of the first to settle in Black Marsh after leaving greater Cyrodiil.
loreName3 Amalien
loreDescription3 Yes! The Aedra angle is an interesting one, too. The Barsaebic Ayleids left to avoid their Daedra-worshiping kin during the Narfinsel Schism. It makes sense given the location!

Data last updated on 2025-Jan-13 00:35:25

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