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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#166

id 166
name Torn Netch-leather Mask
quality 3
difficulty 2
requiresLead 1
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 2214
zoneId 57
setId 0
setQuality -1
setRewardId -1
setCount -1
categoryId 10
categoryOrder 3
categoryName Deshaan
categoryCount 11
loreName1 Verita Numida
loreDescription1 Such a grotesque visage. The sharp features resemble a Mer, and the crude leather-wrapped wood construction suggest Ashlander work. I don't recognize the syntax of the Daedric script on the forehead. Clearly, this is more than a simple war mask.
loreName2 Gabrielle Benele
loreDescription2 These aren't full Daedric sentences; they're more like words of power. An attempt to infuse the mask with healing hedge magic. Seems this was a shamanic medicine mask. However, words like "stasis," "wither," and "barren" confuse me.
loreName3 Amalien
loreDescription3 Daedric meanings often shift over time. Given the context, these words hew closer to "return," "deflate," and "dry out". Could be references to the Thrassian Plague? We know it reached this far east, so I'd guess tribes used the mask to heal victims.

Data last updated on 2025-Jan-13 00:35:25

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