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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#116

id 116
name Snowy Sabre Cat Fur Strip
quality 5
difficulty 4
requiresLead 1
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 0
zoneId 101
setId 9
setName Snow Treaders
setQuality 6
setRewardId 2183
setCount 5
categoryId 13
categoryOrder 6
categoryName Eastmarch
categoryCount 10
loreName1 Amalien
loreDescription1 Over the years, many artists have imagined Snow Elf attire as being made of fashionable furs from head to toe. Long fur capes, decorative hats, fluffy boots …. The stitching on the sides suggests these were made for clothes.
loreName2 Reginus Buca
loreDescription2 Snowy sabre cats would have been abundant in the areas Snow Elves nobles inhabited, especially at the time. It's not out of the question to say they could have been the main source of material for clothes and a variety of other resources.
loreName3 Verita Numida
loreDescription3 I'm no tailor, but I do have an eye for style. These are cut in such a way that they would be the inner lining of either a hat or possibly even gloves. You can clearly see where the outer layer was pulled away from the stitching.

Data last updated on 2025-Jan-27 13:30:47

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