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ESO: Viewing Unique Quest: ID#10877

id 10877
internalId 4126
zone Eastmarch
locationZone Eastmarch
name Labor Dispute
level 50
type None
repeatType Not Repeatable
displayType 0
backgroundText The Orcthane's troops have taken control of the mine in Lost Knife Cave. They're forcing the miners to produce ore to equip Fildgor's army.
objective Lost Knife Cave
poiIndex 33
goalText Talk to Jomund
endDialogText The mine is as good as ours again, thanks to you! I could use your help against the Stormfist leader, though.
endJournalText I need to find Jomund, give him the weapons I collected, and let him know the miners are ready to take back Lost Knife. He should be just up ahead.
endBackgroundText The Orcthane's troops have taken control of the mine in Lost Knife Cave. They're forcing the miners to produce ore to equip Fildgor's army.
isShareable 1
numTools 0
hasTimer 0
timerCaption Labor Dispute
timerDuration 0
numSteps 1
numRewards -1
count 1
uniqueId 5469829
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Data last updated on 2024-Sep-20 17:30:43

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